Sunday, March 27, 2011

Leaving (again)

The adage goes - sometimes getting there is half the fun.

I wholeheartedly disagree - I think getting there is ALL the fun.

Except when it comes to air travel.

Despite the massive amount of excitement I have to discover a new country, push myself with adventure and experience a new culture; I still find it a bit of a drag to leave. Thinking about the day ahead of 20 hours of travel, airport delays, pissy flight attendants... it makes me dread it.

Now I know my 'travel-self' well enough to know that the small depression about leaving, yet again, is just my way of covering my anxiety of making sure I have everything or my nervousness about whether I'm going to like the new country. I always get excited as soon as we break the clouds and the plane starts to descend on a new city and I get to see the glorious new country from 37,000 feet. I'm getting excited again just thinking about that first look, the first taste and the first time I breathe the mountain air again.

A new destination awaits and I'm ready, so ready. I just have to get on that dang plane.

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